George Leddy's Academic Pages
Sustainable Enviro Institute
Sustainable Enviro Institute
6/29/21: "I Wrote About This Environmental Injustice Decades Ago. It Hasn’t Changed" Robert Bullard NYT
5/21/21: "It’s Time to Bust the Myth That Endless Economic Growth Is Good for Us"
3/21/21: "Youth Climate Activists Are Back With New, Sharper Demands for Countries and Corporations"
2/26/21: "This EPA mapping tool could reshape environmental justice"
2/16/21:"What an Ecological Civilization Looks Like: In Depth, Reclaiming Our Common Home" Vandana Shiva
Climatologist Michael E Mann: 'Good people fall victim to doomism. I do too sometimes'"
2/21: "Kenyan woman’s startup recycles plastic into bricks that are stronger than concrete"
2/3/21: "Water Protectors Hold Their Ground in Wild Rice Country"
1/27/21: "Appeals Court Agrees that Dakota Access Pipeline River Crossing Is Illegal"
12/5/20: Recognition of Native Treaty Rights Could Reshape the Environmental Landscape
An epic message on climate and humans, Nat'l Geo
11/24/20: WaPo, "An ancient people with a modern climate plan"
9/21/20: "Five ways to make the climate movement less white"
8/11/20: "My Pursuit of Happiness in Afro-Environmentalism"
Environmental defenders voice concerns as COVID-19 crisis deepens
WaPo 7/22/20: "Liberal, progressive — and racist? The Sierra Club faces its white-supremacist history"
Naomi Oreskes: Feminist Science is Better Science
Noam Chomsky- Mutual Aid Is Rising — and It’s Key to Our Survival
Michael Klare, What Planet are we on? 4/2/20
Disasters and crises bring out the best in us
At Berkeley, a student-led class takes a new approach
The Green New Deal would create nearly 30 million jobs
Jedediah Purdy Has an Idea That Could Save Us From Capitalism and the Climate Crisis
If we don't have an honest conversation about energy, Canada risks becoming a nation of hypocrites 10/4/19
Vaclav Smil- ‘Growth must end. Our economist friends don’t seem to realise that’
What If We Stopped Pretending? (Frazen)
3 ways companies can start embracing the circular economy
Mary Robinson: Disruption is best option left to head off climate disaster 9/13/19
Sierra Club campaigns 5/18/19
The circular economy could create an enormous jobs boom
Thoreau's Great Insight for the Anthropocene
When environmental racism and climate change collide
Dominion mistranslated
Can Cooperatives Save Us From the Next Economic Crisis?
George Perkins Marsh and environmental thinking in the 19th century
10/14/20: Restoring Farmland Could Drastically Slow Extinctions, Fight Climate Change
8/25/20 "Reforms Are Won When Social Movements Inflict Real Costs on the Economic Elite"
7/29/20: "Record Number of Environmental Activists Killed in 2019"
3 Examples of the Circular Economy
April 14/20: The world's dominant ideology is breaking, what will replace it?
March 26/20: Thomas Piketty Confronting Our Long History of Massive Inequality
The Environmental Burden of Generation Z 2/23/20
How scientists are coping with ecological grief 1/12/20
We Spoke To 5 Climate Experts About What Gives Them Hope
Against Economics 12/5/19 (NY Review of Books)
10/11/19: "Converting Businesses to Cooperatives Just Got Easier"
Evolution Made Us Cooperative, Not Competitive
Towards a circular economy, Piketty 10/15/19
The Green New Deal has been released
How a circular economy could avert ecological disaster
From Linear to Circular: the future economy
The False Choice Between Economic Growth and Combatting Climate Change
Ocasio-Cortez says we need a WW2 plan
Sanders' Green New Deal
Environmental Science and Lack of Diversity in education
Colorado Moves to Democratize the Outdoors
Why animal testing on cosmetics will soon be a thing of the past
McKibben: 3 tasks on the road to a fossil-free America
Guardian's Monbiot on the Road Ahead
Native American groups fight the fracking industry over water pollution
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