Climate Change:
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Climate Change Politics
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Biodiversity COPs 2022
NYT: COP15, Montreal "Crucial Talks on Preserving Nature Are on Now. Here Are the Key Issues."
NYT: COP15, Montreal "Crucial Talks on Preserving Nature Are on Now. Here Are the Key Issues."
COPs and IPCC and global roles
- 1/16/23: “Let’s face reality. Fossil fuel interests have destroyed the Cops – we need something new”, Bill McGuire, Guardian
- 4/21/22" Opinion: I Helped Pen the UN Climate Report. Here’s Why It Gives Me Hope."
- 4/7/22: "Our climate solutions are failing - and Big Oil’s fingerprints are all over them" Guardian
- 3/20/22: "After February’s Dire IPCC Report, the Green New Deal Is More Urgent Than Ever" Truthout
- 3/1/22: "IPCC report calls out ‘vested interests’ delaying climate action"
- 11/1/21:'Guardian: "After 30 years of Cop, our ex-environment editor is now optimistic"
- 11/10/21: "COP26 Pledges Fall Short—More Progress Is Needed"
- COP26- Glasgow website
- 8/13/21: "The IPCC’s latest climate report is dire. But it also included some prospects for hope" Solnit at the Guardian
- 8/9/21: "Climate Change 2021: The Physical Science Basis" Report to policy makers" (the report)
- 8/9/21: "AR6 Climate Change 2021: The Physical Science Basis, The Working Group I contribution to the Sixth Assessment Report"
- 8/9/21: "Summary report, 26 July – 6 August 2021"
- 8/6/21: "Highlights and images of main proceedings for 6 August 2021"
- 8/4/21: "Our leaders look climate change in the eyes, and shrug", Hamilton Nolan
- 6/2/21: "The G7 countries promised to go green, then poured money into fossil fuels instead"
- 2/3/21: "Court convicts French state for failure to address climate crisis"
- 9/27/20: "World leaders pledge to halt Earth’s destruction ahead of UN summit"
- 9/24/20: "Vanessa Nakate: America Needs to Lead on Climate Change"
- "Trace" emerges as a real time way to measure greenhouse gad emissions, promoted by Al Gore.
- Amid pandemic, UN cancels global climate conference
- COP25 climate summit ends in staggering failure of leadership
- COP25 Midway Webinar 12/9/19
- COP25 Dec 5 update
- Paris Agreement Targets Need to Be 5 Times Stronger to Actually Work
- IPCC 1.5 degree report has a silver lining 10/10/19
- IPCC Report on Climate Change and the Oceans and the Cryosphere. 9/25/19
- Climate change - do more now or risk catastrophe: IEA
- Planet has only until 2030 to stem catastrophic climate change
- Landmark UN report warns sea levels will rise faster than projected by 2100
- Countries must triple climate emission cut targets to limit global heating to 2C
- The U.S. left a hole in leadership on climate. China is filling it.
- IPCC 8/8/19 Report on the Land and Climate Change
- Climate Negotiation in Katowice COP24
- IPCC October 2018 Report! NYT
- Half US Spending Power Remains on Paris COP21 Accord