George Leddy's Academic Pages
Sustainable Enviro Institute
Sustainable Enviro Institute
7/8/21: "A chemical critical for world food supplies may cause cancer"
5/4/21: "Pesticides Threaten the 'Foundations of the Web of Life,' New Soil Study Warns"
3/16/21: "‘Convinced’: Scientists Warn of the Cancer Risk Caused by Popular Weedkiller Glyphosate"
3/4/21: "25 Years of GMOs, and Some New Insights from Argentina"
Does Glyphosate Disturb the Human Gut Microbiome?
Inside Monsanto and BASF's moves to force Dicamba on farmers
War of the weedkiller: why environmentalists are concerned about moves to ban Roundup
Monsanto Secretly Funded Glyphosate Studies 3/13/20
Gene-edited cattle have a major screwup in their DNA 8/29/19
Emails Show Monsanto Orchestrated GOP Effort to Intimidate Cancer Researchers 8/23/19
Monsanto Emails Show Employees Wanted to beat the s%$t out of concerned moms 8/31/19
How Monsanto's 'intelligence center' targeted journalists and activists 8/8/19
New Evidence Shows Popular Pesticides Could Cause Unintended Harm To Insects
Los Angeles County sues Monsanto over chemical contamination
EPA takes Monsanto side on glyphosate, PAN
Glyphosate revolt rocks Germany Inc
New York State bans chlorpyrifos (link)
Jurors Urge Judge to Uphold Monsanto Cancer Ruling
GOP Moves to Protect Monsanto from WHO glyphosate classification as a carcinogen
Newsweek Hit Piece on Organic Food has Monsanto fingerprints
How Monsanto's cotton has sewn disaster in Africa
Monsanto Whitewash on Glyphosate
How Monsanto captured the EPA
We've missed the entire point about GMO and Food
Monsanto Attacks Scientists
Bee Study Author Fights Back Against Bayer and Syngenta
34 years later Monsanto mice study resurfaces
4 tactics used by Monsanto to undermine potential link between glyphosate and cancer
Monsanto Isn't feeding the world
CA labels glyphosate carcinogen
California to List Monsanto Herbicide as Cancer-Causing
Monsanto Is Suing California over Roundup carcinogen finding
How the Biotech Industry Cultivates Positive Media
Misgivings About How a Weed Killer Affects the Soil
Monsanto and the Poisonous Cartel of GMOs in India
A Guide to Toxic Pesticides 2021
5/25/21: "Glyphosate remains on shelves despite EPA admitting Trump-era review was faulty"
6/23/20: Judge Blocks California From Putting Cancer Warning on Roundup
6/24/20: Bayer agrees to $10.9bn settlement over Monsanto’s weedkiller Roundup
Bayer CEO opens door to settling Roundup cancer cases LAT, 7/30/19
National Institutes of Health Study Links Dicamba, Increased Cancer Risks
DW: Turning Toxic: the Bayer Monsanto Merger (YouTube)
Food companies are still selling products contaminated by Monsanto weedkiller 6/20/19
Poisoned Fields: Glyphosate in Europe (YouTube)
The EPA is meant to protect us. The Monsanto Trials Suggest the opposite.
Glyphosate Contamination Goes Beyond Oat Products
Illegal Herbicide Use on GMO Crops
Another Disastrous Side Effect of Monsanto
Zombie GMO Myths 4/15/18
Privatizing publicly funded research in land-grant colleges
(a Food & WaterWatch report)
Monsanto and Corporate Cannabis
Puerto Rico Gives Away 519M USD to Multinational Seed Corporations
Monsanto’s Evil Twin: the fertilizer industry
Inside Monsanto: a Mother Jones investigation
Monsanto prevails over organics
Monsanto cancer Roundup link
59 Indigenous Corn Varieties at Risk as Monsanto eyes Mexico
Why is the Gates foundation investing in GM giant Monsanto
Monsanto Roundup: the WholeToxic Enchilada
Lawsuits Mount Against Monsanto’s Roundup
University professors paid shills for Monsanto
French Court Finds Monsanto Guilty of Chemical Poisoning
Food& Water Watch: MonsantoReport
How to Avoid GM Food
Michael Pollan NYT GMOs CA Prop 3
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