George Leddy's Academic Pages
Sustainable Enviro Institute
Sustainable Enviro Institute
Assignment 2 (click here for instructions)
Articles on General understanding of Global warming and its causes (pick two)
The Fifth National Climate Assessment, 2023
‘We Are Afraid’: Scientists Issue New Warning As World Enters ‘Uncharted Climate Territory’
35 Years After Addressing Congress, James Hansen Has More Climate Warnings (.docx)
The Road to Dubai: The latest round of international climate negotiations is being held in a petrostate. What could go wrong?
Sassen on Climate Change
Scientists from around the world declare climate emergency
2019 Capped the World's Hottest Decade in History (WaPo 1/15/20)
Seven Points You need to Know About Climate Change
Articles on Impacts (pick two)
Landmark UN report warns sea levels will rise faster than projected by 2100
Gulf Stream Could Collapse Between 2025 and 2095 (.docx)
Sea Level Rise in LA
Climate Change Nightmares are Already Here
NPR: 5 crops will be lost to climate change
Ocean temperatures are off the charts. Here’s where they’re highest.
How Do We Feel About Global Warming? It’s Called Eco-Anxiety
Chartbook Carbon Notes 10: In China, clean energy is now THE driver of overall economic growth
Cap and Trade v Carbon Tax v Green New Deal v Divestment v Geo-engineering (pick six),
Greenhouse Gas Tax vs Cap and Trade
Memo Explains difference between Carbon Tax and Cap and Trade
Cost Of Decarbonizing U.S. Power Grid Put At $4.5 Trillion (6/27/19, Forbes)
July 27
Cenk Uygur and Al Gore talk carbon tax and cap 'n trade
Carbon Tax
Yellen, top pick for Treasury, sees carbon tax as a solution
The Problem with Putting price on the End of the World
A simpler, more useful way to tax carbon 8/17/20
Carbon pricing is the way to rectify runaway climate change
Voters like taxing carbon as long as you don’t say ‘carbon tax’
Republican Elders Call for New National Carbon Tax
Carbon Tax? Yes!
The carbon tax opportunity (Brookings) 5/6/20
How to Cut US carbon emissions by 40% in 10 years (a carbon tax)
Exxon and all agree re carbon tax!
Cap and Trade
Cap and Trade Explained
Cap and trade isn't cutting it LAT
Can California’s Cap and Trade Actually Address Environmental Justice?
Do Carbon Offsets Work? WaPo 9/24/20
Is California a Leader or a Loaner on Cap and Trade?
California Cap and Trade Faces Daunting Hurdles
Enviro Justice Matters in Cap and Trade
Cap and Trade Explained by Annie Leonard (YouTube)
Carbon offsetting is not warding off environmental collapse – it’s accelerating it, George Monbiot
Green New Deal and a Marshall Plan
"Chomsky and Pollin: A Global Green New Deal Is the Only Way to Avert Disaster" 1/7/21
Money manager calls for climate Marshall Plan
The Green New Deal explained
The world wasn't ready for a Green New Deal in 2009. Today, it may be
The Green New Deal would create nearly 30 million jobs
Ocasio-Cortez says we need a WW2 plan
"Hasan and AOC Discuss The Green New Deal" YouTube
3/20/22: "After February’s Dire IPCC Report, the Green New Deal Is More Urgent Than Ever" Truthout
Divestment from fossil fuels
Why oil stocks aren't that hot, NYT, Feb 22, 2024
Global investors develop net zero investing framework
An Open Letter to the CalSTRS Board
Climate Lawsuits Increase Risk to CalPERS Portfolio
42 faith groups in 14 countries announce divestment from fossil fuels
Will California’s largest pensions, CalPERS and CalSTRS, divest from fossil fuels?
8/24/20: "
Major investment firm dumps Exxon, Chevron and Rio Tinto stock"
Two Economies Collide Divestment_October 2022
McKibben on Blackrock
Geo-engineering the planet
Dimming the Sun to Cool the Planet Is a Desperate Idea, McKibben 11/22/22
DW: Geo-engineering 10/20: 42 minutes (YouTube)
Carbon Capture Won’t Save Us From Climate Change, OpEd NYT 12/8/23
Geoengineer the Planet? More Scientists Now Say It Must Be an Option
Harvard's Solar Geoengineering Research Program
University of California TV: What is Geoengineering and Can It Save the Planet? (youtube 3 mins)
Geoengineering carries ‘large risks’ for the natural world, studies show
A Start-Up’s Unusual Plan to Suck Carbon Out of the Sky
The rotten core of the new IPCC report (YouTube)
Command and Control
EPA: Economics of Climate Change
Britannica: Command and Control Legislation
A 'law of nature' - The command-and-control approach
Economic Incentives: EPA
The Successful International Response to Stratospheric Ozone Depletion
The right climate for central planning
Agricanto library of climate change articles by topic area.
DW: "Why carbon offsets are worse than you think", 15 mins
10/1/21: the Economist. "How do carbon markets work?" 10 mins
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